Our products

Dynamic BIM Object Generator (BOG)

A server-based BIM model generator that supports an infinite number of product configurations.

Producing models with both geometrics and parametrics, BOG integrates with your existing selection software to save you time and money.

For a dynamic library of customisable products, explore codeBIM BOG today.

Static BIM Object Library (Static ObjLib)

A BIM object library for Revit and Archicad that gives you the ability to target your audience and showcase solutions in one place.

A great option if your range consists of fixed products with few variations.

Dynamic BIM Object Library (Dynamic ObjLib)

A dynamic library that grows with your business.

Giving you the ability to add, delete, and update products from a single source, Dynamic ObjLib makes managing your product range effortless.

It’s the ideal solution when you need maximum flexibility.

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We look forward to showing you how our platform’s flexible tools and intuitive user experience can help your business grow and move your business forward.